Biometric Screenings for your Employee

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What is a Biometric Screening?

Besides a physical, there are many great ways to gauge your wellness. Participating in programs like Biometric or Body Metric Screenings eventually lead to welcoming lifestyle changes that in the end boost your confidence and overall health. Biometric or Body Metric Screenings are similar to physicals but they are usually offered at your place of employment.

What to Expect with the Screening

The wellness of an employee starts with a good understanding in their state of being- where they are as far as potential risk. Biometric Screenings measure the physical markers that determine those risks. These often include height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood glucose and aerobic fitness. Biometric Screenings are excellent workplace health assessment tools that can benchmark and evaluate changes in the employees’ health over time.

Typically, results can be viewed directly after the examination. Therefore, if the employee has any questions they may ask the clinician while viewing the results. 

What are the Benefits of the Screening?

Advantage Occupational Medicine encourages employers to participate in screenings of this nature because it benefits both the employer and employee. Promoting health and wellness within the workplace instills a culture of wellbeing which eventually leads to productivity and employee satisfaction.

How can you motivate participation?

Screenings can be done during a scheduled fair or event held by your company. Offer snacks and fun activities to promote participation. Have music and festivities and raffle off a prize just as you would any other fun event. If rules and regulations do not allow such an event, Advantage Occupational Medicine will work with you to meet your wellness needs in a different way.

Connect with an Occupational Medicine Expert

Advantage Occupational Medicine is a leader in the occupational medicine industry and continues to advance with innovative and cost-effective tools that enhance the health of employees, regardless of size or location. We evaluate your company’s specific needs and determine opportunities to improve your current program and can also assist you implementing a new one. Call Us today for an evaluation or advice.